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Our signature SCALE-UP Coaching Programme might be right for you if:

  • You recognise an urgent need to pivot your business strategy.
  • You need to change your company’s culture but don’t know where to start.
  • You want to accelerate your new leadership team’s progression to peak performance.
  • You have a business exit on the horizon.
  • You are committed to implementing the Scaling Up Methodology but need professional help navigating the challenges.
  • You need to deliver transformational change.

Our signature SCALE-UP business coaching programme will help you deliver on your: 


– Create a unique and distinctive business strategy, including defining your ideal customer profile (ICP), where to play and how to win.


– Cultivate an award-winning culture that aligns with your purpose, mission and values – attracting and retaining A-Players.


– Develop innovative approaches and foster adaptability in a rapidly evolving marketplace.


– Build a high-performance leadership team for operational excellence.

Exit Readiness

– Conduct a valuation assessment,  reviewing critical quantitative and qualitative factors influencing valuations. Dive into operational efficiency and understand profit drivers.

Unlocking Potential

– Maximising the potential of both the organisation and its individuals.


– Progress by setting clear goals, measuring results (OKRs), and adjusting as necessary. Streamlining processes, cutting waste, and maximising resources


Ready to start?


Book your Discovery Call with us today

Embark on a SCALE-UP journey: Our signature 3-year growth programme

Year 1: Laying the Foundation for Success

  • Strengthen your leadership team: Develop the skills and mindset to navigate the complexities of growth and manage a high-performing team.
  • Refine your strategy: Develop a clear, actionable growth strategy, align your business goals and identify market opportunities.
  • Optimise operations: Streamline processes, focus on efficiency, and establish robust systems to support your growth trajectory.

Year 2: Accelerating Your Growth Momentum

  • Expand your reach: Expand your customer base, penetrate new markets, and establish a strong brand reputation.
  • Enhance profitability: Optimise your pricing strategies, manage costs effectively, and maximise revenue generation.
  • Build strategic partnerships: Cultivate meaningful partnerships that expand your market reach, enhance expertise, and accelerate growth.

Year 3: Unleashing Breakthrough Potential

  • Embrace innovation: Foster a culture of innovation, explore new opportunities, and move on to a new S-curve.
  • Establish market leadership: Position your company as a thought leader and industry innovator, dominating your market segment.
  • Contribute to sustainable growth: Build a resilient business that thrives in the face of challenges, creating long-term value and impact.

How SCALE UP coaching can impact your team’s performance


Hear it from one of our clients


Partner with Us to Unlock Your Business’s Full Potential

Our tailored 3-year signature growth programme empowers late-stage startups and high-growth SMBs to achieve sustainable, exponential growth. Through personalised guidance, expert business coaching, and a supportive community, we’ll help you confidently navigate every stage of your business journey.

Contact us now to schedule a consultation and discover how we can help you achieve your growth goals.

What happens next: Getting started together


Dive into your company’s DNA

Before we embark on our growth journey together, we want to delve into the heart of your organisation, understanding your current state from a financial, structural, and cultural standpoint.


During this discovery process, we will:

  • Conduct comprehensive surveys: Engage various team members to gather their perspectives and insights.
  • Interview the active participant pool: Conduct 1:1 interviews with all executive leadership team participants.
  • Discuss planning session logistics: Establish a clear roadmap for the upcoming workshops, ensuring a seamless and engaging experience for all participants.

A strategic kickoff to set the stage

Day 1: Executive Team Alignment

  • Define the Long-term Vision: Articulate a compelling BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) that sets the stage for exponential growth.
  • Discover your Core Purpose: Clearly define why your company exists, driving a deeper sense of alignment.
  • Enunciate Core Values: Foster a cohesive culture by aligning your team with shared values guiding decision-making and actions.
  • Outline Three-Year Outlook: Map out a strategic roadmap for the next three years, defining key milestones and initiatives.

Day 2: Collective Execution

    • Break Down Annual Goals: Divide annual targets into quarterly priorities, ensuring clear focus and accountability.
    • Drill Down to Individual Goals: Translate quarterly priorities into specific goals for each leadership team member, fostering ownership and accountability.
    • Establish KPIs: Implement measurable KPIs to track progress, enabling continuous improvement and course correction.
    • Create Step-by-Step Plans: Develop detailed action plans for each goal, outlining the steps required for successful execution.

In between our sessions


Continuous Coaching and Support: Nurturing Growth in the Interludes

While our planning sessions provide strategic direction, our ongoing support and guidance ensure continuous growth.

Executive and Leadership Check-ins:

  • We maintain close connectivity with the executive and leadership teams through regular 1:1 check-ins to provide personalised coaching, address challenges, and ensure alignment with your growth objectives.
  • These check-ins foster a culture of continuous learning and growth, enabling your team to tackle obstacles and optimise their performance.
  • Our user-friendly software seamlessly integrates with your existing workflow, providing a centralised hub for tracking and analysing your progress across all aspects of your business.

Unlimited Access to Coaching and Resources:

  • Your dedicated business coach and programme manager remain available throughout the program, providing ongoing support, guidance, and inspiration.
  • Unlimited access to our online education platform ensures your leadership team has access to a wealth of resources.

CEO Summer Summit:

  • We encourage the CEO to join us at Harvard University for an annual exclusive 3-day summit, where they can connect with fellow scale-up CEOs, gain valuable insights, and foster strategic partnerships.
  • This fantastic experience provides a platform for the CEO to tap into the collective wisdom of industry leaders, expand their network, and gain fresh perspectives on navigating the challenges and opportunities of scaling a business.

Unlimited Business Book Access:

  • Empower your leadership team with unlimited access to any business books, including physical, audio, and ebook formats.
  • Cultivate a culture of continuous learning by providing your leaders with the resources and inspiration to stay ahead of industry trends, enhance their strategic thinking, and refine their leadership skills.

Quarterly recalibration


Ensuring Continuous Growth and Individual Excellence

Your quarterly planning sessions are designed to review progress, refine strategies, and fuel personal and organisational excellence.
Quarterly Planning Sessions:

  • Dedicate a full day each quarter to conduct a thorough review of the business, analysing achievements, identifying areas for improvement, and refining strategies.
  • These sessions foster a culture of accountability and continuous learning, ensuring that your organisation remains focused on achieving its long-term goals.

Personal Goal Setting Integration:

  • You will integrate personal goal setting into our quarterly planning sessions, emphasising the belief that individual growth is inextricably linked to organisational success.
  • We empower your team to achieve individual and collective excellence by aligning personal goals with the overarching strategic objectives.

Your investment

From £4,400 per month


Take action today!

Call us to start building the foundations for fast and sustainable growth.


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      Enquiry | Scaling Up Master Business Course