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Executive Coaching

The Executive Coaching Programme might be for you if:

  • You are a growth-stage startup, your company is scaling up, and you are looking for an impactful coaching solution.
  • You are a CEO or founder looking for one-to-one coaching from a specialist scale-up executive coach.
  • You are a business unit leader looking for a specialist executive coach, often to help you succeed in a new role.


Please check out our leadership team coaching section for coaching aimed at creating a high-performance leadership team.

Harvard Business Review research concludes that coaching boosts productivity by 44%, while an ICF-commissioned study claims that coaching clients report a median ROI of 788%.

Individual Executive Coaching


One-to-one Executive Coaching Programme


Key subjects covered

As the coaching relationship progresses, the focus may shift. Common topics that often emerge include:

  • Becoming a genuine leadership approach
  • Navigating difficult relationships
  • Adjusting to a new professional position
  • Decision-making for significant career moves
  • Enhancing job satisfaction and career growth
  • Strengthening personal influence and presence
  • Advancing emotional and social awareness
  • Boosting self-confidence and self-worth
  • Self-management in high-pressure situations

The approach

Effective coaching strikes a balance between support and challenge. It’s grounded in deep listening and asking impactful questions, fostering a supportive and trusting environment. Coaches challenge clients, helping them confront personal truths through insightful observations and feedback.

Clients often seek coaching for skill development or behaviour change, but lasting change occurs when coaching delves deeper into a person’s thoughts, feelings, and worldview.

A mindset shift can lead to behavioural transformation. The coaching relationship’s success hinges on its quality, with confidentiality and trust established early. Recognising each client’s uniqueness, the coaching approach is tailored to fit individual personalities and temperaments.

How do we get started?


The initial step involves an in-person or online meeting to understand the client’s needs.

We then establish a tailored coaching plan. We can increase session frequency and adjust the timeframe for urgent scenarios, like during significant changes or transitions.

The coaching is customised for each client, with progress evaluations at regular intervals.

What are the outcomes of coaching?

The coaching process begins with establishing a ‘contracting’ phase, where we define specific goals and criteria for success, focusing the relationship on achieving these objectives. Each coaching relationship is geared towards helping clients find effective solutions and strategies for greater work efficacy and life satisfaction.

Ready to invest?

Receive a full year of guidance from a dedicated Monkhouse & Company executive coach.


  • At least 1 hour of monthly coaching.
  • Ongoing support via WhatsApp, email and phone.


From £1,250 per month (depending on coach seniority)

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