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A Bunch of Rotting Apples7 ways to deal with bad apples before they rot your businessThink back through your career. I bet you’ve come across a few bad apples. People who were rude, negative or liked …
bad applesHow bad apples ruin it for the rest of usStruggling with productivity?  Ever stopped to wonder why?  Could you be carrying a few bad apples?  Look around any company …
1:1 meetings10 proven tips for better 1:1 meetings with your teamSo you’ve decided to ditch annual appraisals after reading last week’s blog. Congratulations! You won’t regret it.  Instead, you want …
Toxic A-PlayerHow To Deal With ‘Toxic A-Players’ Before They Wreck Your BusinessPicture the scene.  It’s Christmas in an M&S warehouse. A bunch of graduates have just been hired to help with …
single threaded leadershipHow ‘single-threaded leadership’ will turbo-charge your business growthYou’ve done everything right so far.  Your Executive Team are all A-Players.  Together, you’ve worked on a killer strategy that …
Accountability7 guaranteed ways to improve accountability in your businessImagine this. Your team has been working on a significant project for months. But unfortunately, they’ve failed spectacularly to hit the …
VisionHow to nail down a powerful, post-pandemic vision for your businessWhat does the future hold for your business?  Does everything feel different as we emerge from the pandemic?  Is the …
Execution10 surefire ways to improve execution in your businessYou’re an ambitious CEO with your eyes firmly set on the horizon. You know your tech business has considerable potential. And you’re …
Why Looking After Your ‘A-Players’ has never been more importantWhy Looking After Your ‘A-Players’ has never been more importantAre you clear on the identity of your A-Players in your business?  Do they know they’re A-Players?  Have you told …
Remote onboardingHow to make remote onboarding more effectiveOne of the biggest challenges of the pandemic is the loss of human connection. We’re all struggling with this, at …

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